Friday, January 4, 2013


English 7:
1) Complete 8 Parts of Speech worksheets
2) Reminder! 8 Parts of Speech test on Tuesday

English IV:
1) Journal 57
2) Answer the following question by leaving a comment: Do family members balance work and family well?  Based on your observations and experiences, which side is the focus, work or family? Explain in 5 or more sentences to receive full credit.

Iliad links:

1) Mythology Notes:
2) Iliad Background:
3) Iliad Study Guide:
4) Iliad Full Text:


  1. My mother and father both balance work and family equally. They never take work home with them and they don't do family related things at work. There are times that they will need to stay at work a little late but then there are times they will go in late. I think that if they ever had to choose it would be family over work. But i believe they both balance it very well.
    -devin rodgers :)

  2. Based on my observations and experiences balancing both work and life is quite hard. I mean you really got to balance it out perfectly. In my family my dad works and sometimes he try's his best to handle both work and life. But sometimes he comes home late and my siblings wait for him to see him. But then he goes early to. But then he does take out time for his family. Even though it's bit hard but he try his best. In my culture women are not allowed to work after they get married. But now a days since everything changed women do work but they are not able to give their time to their family ESP their kids who at young age need love. If they don't get enough attention they begin to isolate themselves from you. So women shouldn't work I mean if they really want to they can and if they believe they can balance both work and life well. Then they should do it. I know someone who is really close to me. She is bit isolated from her dad because he didn't pay attention to her because he was in USA and she was in Pakistan. But as she started living with him she is trying her best. But still she is really not close to her dad then she is to her mom. I always expin her but she don't get it. Anyways if anyone chose to work and at the same time look after your family. They got to be perfect because it's hard in beginning but if you can balance both well. Then you can work and look after your family.


  3. I think my mommy and daddy do a really good job balancing work and family. They never let the two interfere with each other. On certain occasions they might have to make sacrifices, but never to much to put one over the other. But i do think that family is more the focus because in the end that is what matters most.

    -Maxwell Thomas Robbins III

  4. I think both work and family are balanced at my home. you can always make time for both. but family is the most important you can always find another job and have more than one but family will always be there. well a guess money is important at some point it is needed to support the family. But family is still top prioraty.

  5. I think that family members do balance their work and family well, at least in my house it works that way. From what ive seen regardless how much my mom works she still finds a way to spend time with us; whether its reading a book with my brother or going shopping with me. In my opinion I think work is the focus. If my mom didnt work my brother and I wouldnt have the things we do today. I know family matters the most and is what is most important but without work how would she be able to support us? she wouldnt. My mom does a really good job at balancing both work and family, works never interfered with family time.

  6. From my observations in my house I do believe that my family members do balance their work and family. Even though my mother and father work they always find a way to spend time with us. No matter what they are always there for my sisters and I and find the time to come to either our sporting events or do something as a family. Yes family does come before anything and matters the most but most important working is the focus. If it wasn't for my parents working then my family wouldn't be the way we are today because there wouldn't be any support. Both of my parents are able to balance out family and work and in my eyes they do a great job.

    -Elizabeth O'Brien

  7. Having a family and building a future for them isn't easy, in oder to have a stable home and environment work and dedication is needed. Throughout my experiences I have observed and learned how my parents balanced work and family. From my perspective, they've done a great job of fulfilling that mission. Even though work is more of a priority in the household, family is always taken care of in the best way possible. My parents focus is their work but also to see how our family grows and to provide the best future possible.

  8. My family is more work based. My Dad works from 7 am to 11:30 at night at two different jobs. My mom doesn't work currently but she took care of elderly people and spent nights at their house sometimes. They balance out family time when they can. But this is just my family i"m talking about. The only reason parents work so much is so they can provide essential things. A house, clothes and and food to eat.

  9. Families are all different and can go either way. Some focus on work because they simply have a tight schedule. Some focus on family primarily because of the way they see how important family is to them. But in my family, we try our best to focus on family time the most because it gives us a chance to blow off some stress. We do simple things such as eat dinner with each other every night. And spend time with each other the most possible.

  10. I think that my parents balances work and family well. My parents always try to make time for my sisters and I. Through my observations and experiences I think that work is the focus. Without work my parents wouldnt be able to give me what my sisters and I want and need. I do think family is important but I also think work plays a big part with families.
    -Gabriella Hernandez

  11. I think my parents balance work and family equally. If my father has a problem at work he ends up leaving it there.Then gets back to it the next day.only if it is a really important topic does he bring it home but deals with it when we are asleep.My mother comes home tired but has enough energy to spend time with us.
    ~Kathy Rojas

  12. from what ive seen its really hard to balance work and family. parents work hard to give there family every thing but at the same time they try to be there for you all the time. In my family my dad works alot and my mom stays home but they some how balanced it. But those things are like eating dimmer together or even the little things like saying good morning. Family is very important.

    Ivan Jimenez

  13. From my observations and experiences in my house I believe that my dad and mom balance their work and family very well. Even though my mother and father work they always have time for us at the end of the day. My dad works most of the day while my mom gets home early and cooks dinner and watches my little sister. Without my parents working we wouldn't be able to get all the things we get. In all familys working should be just as important as spending quality time together because at the end of the day they have to pay for everything.


  14. In my household, my parents balance both work and their responsibilities at home very well. My parents have a long, busy work day during the week, but still manage to attend my siblings and my own sporting events and cook dinner for us. My parents have a big responsibility at work, but no matter what they always put their family first. There are nights where my parents need to stay late at work and I respect that because they have a responsibility there as well. My parents are focused on there work when they need to. But no matter what they still manage to spend time with us at home and provide us with what is best.

    - Ashley Granquist

  15. My parents do try to balance out work & family time. though sometimes work does take over their lives. They do try to make us do things together like eat dinner or watch a movie. i believe both is necessary to have a healthy life. my parents try and thats what matters.
    -Deven Alvarez

  16. I have a very close family we all care for each other and try to spend as much time together. In my household my parents both work and they need to work so they can take care of us and have extra money to make us happy. From my observation they balance family and work perfectly , my dad changed his working schedule so he can be home when we get home from school and my mom schedule is about the same. They've said of they had all the money in the world they would always stay home just to be with us. They work for us and that's their main job. Other people who have careers shouldn't have a family because those type of jobs you have to dedicate themselves 100%.
    -kiara Mateo
